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On-line access web | Posters | Important dates | Contributions | Deadlines | Regulation


Online access

    The event records can be accessed through the Expourense web



  • Agua mineromedicinal de As Burgas y fatiga en pacientes con fibromialgia
    N. Calvo Ayuso, M.R. Pérez Fernández, S. Varela Rodríguez, M. M. Fernández Varela y N. Fariñas ValiñaEscuela de Enfermería de Ourense, Ourense, España.
  • Exploring medicinal mineral water-based products for skin conditions aggravated by face masks
    Alicia Paz 1, Noelia Flórez-Fernández 2, Elena Falqué 3, Tania Ferreira-Anta 2, Kai Lois Balstruch 2, Iván Costa-Trigo 1, Andrés Moure 2, JM Salgado 1, María Dolores Torres 2, Herminia Domínguez 2, and JM Domínguez 1
    1 Industrial Biotechnology and Environmental Engineering Group “BiotecnIA”, Chemical Engineering Department, University of Vigo, Ourense, Spain
    2 Biomass and Sustainable Development Group, Chemical Engineering Department, Universidade de Vigo, Faculty of Sciences, Ourense, Spain
    3 Analytical Chemistry Area, Analytical Chemistry and Food Department, Universidade de Vigo, Faculty of Sciences, Ourense, Spain
  • Floculación de Tetraselmis suecica en agua de mar mediante una bentonita.
    Mª Carmen Martín, Carmen P. Gómez, Mª Lourdes Mourelle, José L. Legido
    Departamento de Física Aplicada, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Vigo, 36310 Vigo
  • Presentación de la red: “Investigación de Peloides en Iberoamérica”
    Éder Peña Quimbaya 1, Isabel C. Jaimes Montaña 2, Miria T. Baschini 3,Carmen P. Gómez 4*, Mª Lourdes Mourelle 4, José L. Legido 4
    1 Dpto. Acción Física Humana, Universidad de Caldas, Colombia
    2 Dpto. Salud Pública, Universidad de Caldas, Colombia
    3 Dpto. de Química y Grupo GEMA. PROBIEN–CONICET. Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional del Comahue (UNCo). Buenos Aires, 1400, Neuquén, Argentina
    4 Dpto. Física Aplicada, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Vigo. Campus Lagoas-Marcosendes/n, 36310 Vigo, España


Important dates

Date Deadline
16/08/2021 Summaries submission
23/08/2021 Acceptance notifications
05/09/2021 Final contributions submission
15-16-17/09/2021 Symposium STCV-2021

Book of proceedings

All contributions sent (both those presented in oral and poster format) will be published in a Book of Proceedings, which will be published in online format with ISBN in the two months following the Symposium with the extensive communications, that the authors must send once the acceptance of the summary of the proposed communication.

Book of proceedings


Contributions to the symposium

You can choose your presentation preference between oral (10 min) or poster communication, in any of the following sections:

  • Mineral-medicinal and thermal waters: health and well-being
  • Experiential and health tourism in hydrotherapy
  • Thermal heritage and architecture
  • Other uses of the hot springs

Note: The scientific committee reserves the final decission of the final type of contribution accepted, being possible for it to be different by the originally given by the author.


Communications template and guidelines

For the abstracts and final contributions submission, it is mandatory to use one of the following templates following the inside guidelines:


Contribution submission

The abstracts and communications submission should be conducted throughout email to the following adress : stcv2021@uvigo.es, including in the subject either:




Until August 16, 2021, at 23:59 (Spanish peninsular time: GTM+1). Abstracts submitted after this date will be not admitted.

Until September 5, 2021, at 23:59 (Spanish peninsular time: GTM+1). Contributions submitted after this date will be not admitted.

For any questions, please contact stcv2021@uvigo.es.


Regulation for the communication submission

  1. Abstracts should be sent through email (stcv2021@uvigo.es) using the templates on this webpage
  2. Abstract submission implies acceptance of the general regulation
  3. Communications must be previously unpublished
  4. Abstracts must be written in Galician, Spanish or English languages and sent before August 16,2021
  5. The main author must be signed up for the symposium before August 25, 2021
  6. As first author any researcher can submit up to two abstracts. Although, an author can be co-author of multiple communications
  7. Accepted communications will be published in the proceedings book (with its corresponding ISBN). Once received the communication notice of acceptance by the STCV-2021 Scientific Committee, an extensive communication must be sent following the guidelines and deadlines established
  8. Abstracts or final contributions received after their deadlines or those that do not follow the general guidelines will not be published